Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Give Your Sony Xperia Device a Makeover with Serajr Xperia Xposed Mod - When it comes to Xposed modules focused on UI customization, there are some great choices out there. But because many of them are designed to have maximum compatibility with a wide range of different devices, naturally the amount of customization that is allowed will be restricted. So when an Xposed module developed specifically for one type of device, namely Xperia devices, one can expect greater customization options.
And this is exactly the case with Serajr Xperia, developed by XDA Recognized Themer serajr. This is an Xposed module developed only for Xperia devices running the official Android 4.2.2+ firmware (with a few exceptions). Its great range of customization options are organized into 5 main categories: System, System UI, Power Menu, Xperia Home, and Media. In total, there are a 44 options as of right now, including:
  • Desktop panes with infinite scrooling
  • Create unlimited desktop panes
  • Static desktop wallpaper
  • Multiline desktop icons labels
  • Auto hide desktop pagination markersApp Drawer panes with infinite scrooling
  • Hide App Drawer background plate
  • Auto close App Drawer after start application
  • Choose Dock shortcuts number without dpi decrease
The device compatibility list includes most Xperia devices that have had their Android 4.2 and 4.3 update already such as the Xperia Z1Z, and L, as well as a few devices which have only Android 4.1 such as the Xperia S and ION.
If you want to check out the Xposed module yourself, visit the original thread for more information.

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