Yesterday, Sony unveiled the Xperia Z1, an Android smartphone with a 20.7 megapixel imaging sensor and a G Lens developed specifically for the phone by the company’s imaging group. We’ll have to wait and see how image quality from the Xperia Z1 stacks up against that of the Nokia Lumia 1020, but it’s safe to say that Sony’s new device could be the front runner for best Android camera phone. But the Sony Xperia Z1 is much more than fancy optics attached to a phone; the device comes packed with dozens of other features to make it one of the most powerful Android devices ever. The Xperia Z1 will be released later this month.
Yesterday, Sony unveiled the Xperia Z1, an Android smartphone with a 20.7 megapixel imaging sensor and a G Lens developed specifically for the phone by the company’s imaging group. We’ll have to wait and see how image quality from the Xperia Z1 stacks up against that of the Nokia Lumia 1020, but it’s safe to say that Sony’s new device could be the front runner for best Android camera phone. But the Sony Xperia Z1 is much more than fancy optics attached to a phone; the device comes packed with dozens of other features to make it one of the most powerful Android devices ever. The Xperia Z1 will be released later this month.
Check out the chart below to see how the Sony Xperia Z1 stacks up against the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, LG G2 and the highly acclaimed Motorola Moto X.
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